As we begin our 25th year, we joyfully announce expansion to Ninth Grade beginning Fall 2021.

Adding one additional grade each year through Twelfth Grade, our first senior class will graduate in June 2025.

A classical education is the best preparation for a changing world. That a centuries-old academic model is the best preparation for a modern world may seem counterintuitive at first. How do Aristotle and the ancients prepare us for the age of artificial intelligence? The answer to this is the reason behind the expansion of Geneva School. More than ever we see the need for an education deeply moored in a foundation of biblical wisdom and proven pedagogy. Those trained in critical thinking can artfully navigate a fractured sociopolitical landscape. Those trained in logic possess the skillful courage needed for inquiry and debate. And, as the familiar adage attests, those with an expansive understanding of history will be less likely to repeat its mistakes.

The Rhetoric Stage

This capstone of the trivium completes the Geneva School student's academic architecture.

The grammar stage provided all the building blocks of knowledge, and the logic stage added the solidification of facts through argumentation and debate. The rhetoric stage completes the learning structure with final touches of persuasion, eloquence, nuance, and expression. It focuses on the expression of ideas, logically and winsomely, in spoken and written forms.

In Upper School humanities the themes of sojourn, identity, citizenship, and faith serve as the academic architecture for a rich, diverse body of interrelated subjects—literature, history, cinema, art, music, poetry and oratory. Upper School science and math courses build upon the logic stage of algebra and geometry to mine next level subjects of calculus, chemistry, and physics. Always striving for discovery, wonder, and the connectedness of subject matter, our students learn critical thinking skills required for a lifetime of curiosity.

Upper School Curriculum

Ninth Grade curriculum allows us to build upon the strong academic structure of our Lower School and current Upper School curriculum. Our Upper School faculty have joyfully contributed to the creation of our Ninth-Twelfth Grade curriculum. They welcome the opportunity to continue to invest in their Upper School students and so inspire them to become leaders in scholarship, virtue, and faith.

Application Process

We are delighted to expand a Geneva School education to our current Eighth Grade students and to prospective high school students seeking a classical Christian education. We look forward to sharing our vision and answering your questions.

I insist that the object of all true education is not to make men carpenters, it is to make carpenters men....Education must not simply teach work; it must teach life.

      W.E.B. DuBois

Geneva School equips students
to excel in scholarship, virtue, and faith.

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