We desire that the growth cultivated within our classrooms would propel each scholar toward the fullness of who God created them to be.

Geneva School cultivates leaders in scholarship, virtue, and faith in the following ways:
Engaging the Whole Child
Discovering the Giftedness of Each Child
Exploring Complex Questions
Developing Deep Relationships
Cultivating Virtue through Sports
Nurturing Spiritual Development
The careful cultivation of a Geneva School education reaps the fruit of mastery and maturity in our graduates, so that they grow into the fullness of who God created them to be. Consistent with our mission of developing future leaders in scholarship, virtue, and faith, our graduates distinguish themselves as:

Lifelong Learners
Geneva School graduates demonstrate a passion for learning and are prepared to succeed in challenging academic and career pursuits. As a result of their enriching experiences in language, mathematics, science, history, Great Books, Latin, theology, logic, team sports, and fine arts, they strive to be well-informed citizens who advance their knowledge and skills in an ever-changing world.

Deep Thinkers
Through Shared Inquiry and other classical training methods, Geneva School graduates articulate viewpoints after careful reflection and thorough evaluation. Their training in logical reasoning and scientific research prepares them to discern truth in a world of pluralistic philosophies.

Gracious Communicators
Because Socratic discussion is practiced at Geneva School, our graduates ask questions, listen well and communicate respectfully, a combination that fosters wisdom, goodwill, and civility. Armed with persuasive oral and written skills, graduates pursue solutions to promote the common good.

Champions of Virtue
Geneva School graduates possess rich spiritual resources that set them apart in maturity and resilience. Having been grounded in the love of Christ and truth of Scripture, they strive to extend grace to others through Christ-like character—love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control—and seek reconciliation when they fall short.

Inspirational Stewards
Geneva School graduates understand their unique talents and desire to use their gifts in the communities where they live, work, and serve. In all endeavors they trust in God’s sovereign goodness over their lives, cherish the beauty of his creation, and demonstrate a level of optimism and courage that inspires others.

Geneva School’s classical curriculum encourages analytical and logic-based thinking from a young age. Being taught the works of Socrates, Aristotle, Plato, and Herodotus planted seeds to my scientific explorations. Furthermore, the integration of classical learning with biblical teaching made me curious and fascinated about the universe around me. I have no doubt that this informed my interest in quantum physics.

Discover how your child can grow at
Geneva School.